
Service to others is an integral part of parish life at St. Dunstan’s and is fundamental to our

identity. Our outreach programs provide parishioners with opportunities to learn about and serve those in need beyond our walls. By putting our Christian faith into action, we grow spiritually through our shared experiences and create a greater sense of community within our parish. And Outreach activities are always fun group events for parishioners!

A noteworthy Outreach initiative in the last several years is called Dover Unplugged. It allows us to extend our service mission and involve members of the greater Dover community. It increases the impact that we can have on the lives of many more people in need, and it gives neighbors the opportunity to learn about and participate in this mission.

Outreach is supported by countless enthusiastic volunteers and generous financial donations from parishioners.

Serve Our Family

St. Dunstan’s parishioners take care of each other through: Sign up for coffee hour HERE

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Serve Others

St. Dunstan’s parishioners share our time, talent and treasure with the wider community. Currently, we

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Serve the Church

St. Dunstan’s Parishioners share our time by caring for the church and it’s ministries.

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Serve Creation

1992 marked the launch of St. Dunstan’s commitment to the environment, including: Solar Panel Installation & Blessing

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