
In the Episcopal Church, ministry is shared between the clergy and the laity working together to build up our community of faith. The Vestry constitutes the lay leadership and its ministry is to provide the parish with strong, capable leadership in those areas that are the responsibility of the laity. The Vestry also gives the clergy support in administrative and pastoral issues.
The By-laws of St. Dunstan’s state that vestry members are elected at the Annual Meeting in January for a three-year term. Officers (Warden, Junior Warden, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and Clerk) are elected to serve for one year, and can be re-elected to any one office or combination for a total of four consecutive years. The Youth Representative is appointed by the Vestry for a one-year term. At St. Dunstan’s, Vestry members serve as liaisons to specific aspects of our community such as Stewardship, Property, Outreach, Christian Formation, Parish Life, and Community.
Vestry members rely on the help of parishioners to organize events and work in various projects that serve the parish. If you have interest, skills, or experience in any area that you would like to contribute to the life of the parish, please contact the appropriate Vestry member. If you are unsure whom to contact, the Senior and Junior Wardens are always available to help you find the right place to use your talents.