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One of the mottos of the Episcopal Church is that it welcomes all. That motto that all are welcome is at the heart of who we are. We strive always to welcome those who wander in throught our doors whether they come for Sunday Worship, Dover Unplugged or any other reason that the Spirit draws them to us. We hope you will join us.
We recognize that it can be hard to visit a church for the first time, but we hope you feel warmly welcomed and comfortable at St. Dunstan’s.
We value worshiping together as a whole community, and children are always welcome at St. Dunstan’s.
St. Dunstan’s offers Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals. All are welcome in our church, and you do not need to be a member to have a service at St. Dunstan’s. We are happy to support you and offer guidance as you may find yourself in need of one of these special services.
St. Dunstan’s is located at 18 Springdale Avenue in Dover, Massachusetts.
There is a parking lot on the left side of the church, as well as spaces in the horseshoe part of the driveway in front of the church. Additionally, you may park in the town lot across the street (by Dunkin Donuts) or on the street in Dover.
Handicapped parking spaces are on the left side of the church. There is a ramp at the side door, and at the side entrance is the elevator up to the sanctuary and down to Fellowship Hall.
1 Corinthians 16:14
"Let all you do be done in love."