Coming Soon: Dover Unplugged Food Packing Oct. 2024

18,000 Meals for Haitian and Haitian Migrants

October 4th 2024

Please join us for a community service event for all the family hosted by Dover UNPLUGGED!

St. Dunstan’s Church

18 Springdale Ave, Dover, MA 02030

We Will Pack and Ship
18,000 Meals for people displaced from their homes in Haiti.

Where are the meals going?

For Haitians in Boston: Meals will be delivered to The Immigrant Family Service Institute to be distributed to recent Haitian migrants.

Haitian Health Foundation: Meals will be shipped directly to Haiti.

Sign up to package meals HERE.

Sign up to help set up and clean up or help run the event HERE.

If you are unable to attend but would like to make a donation, you can do so HERE.